Booking portal

Open Booking API: Seamless integration on your website

Booking portal / booking API

With our booking portal, you can make your mobility offer available to customers and employees on the web. You have two options:

  1. A booking page created by us
  2. You integrate our API into your own website

Both options offer all the functions and data that users need. Users can create their own account and reserve vehicles there as well as receive an overview of all details and bookings. Make booking as easy, quick and convenient as possible for your customers and employees – with our booking portal! These functions are included:

Functions of our booking portal:

When registering on the booking portal, users can enter relevant information which is then tagged to them. Whether it’s validating the driver’s license or selecting the preferred payment method (credit card or SEPA direct debit) – the information required for bookings only needs to be defined once and then never again. You learn what you need to know and the user saves time.

Booking history
In the booking portal, every user can view their individual booking history and thus always have an overview of past bookings.

The vehicle reservation contains everything users need in just a few clicks: available vehicles, contract types, parking spaces, stations, date/time, distance controllers, alternative periods and prices. Thanks to the ease of use and clarity of the booking portal, customers and employees can reserve their vehicle in just a few minutes, saving time at the point where it previously took the longest.

Static pages
Despite all the individuality, there are factors that remain constant for each mobility offer. So that you can provide information for all users, you can also integrate static pages into our booking portal according to your needs. General information about vehicles, parking spaces, stations, time periods or prices can be provided here.

We would like to invite you to find out more about us!
Please feel free to contact us and arrange a non-binding initial consultation!


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