Rental software for car dealerships, replacement cars, car subscription: Everything for your car dealership

The rental software from remoso offers you all the relevant functions and modules to serve your customers efficiently and quickly and to open up new business areas such as car subscription. You have the option of controlling all locations of your dealership group with one system. You can expand your portfolio with additional mobility services such as car sharing, car subscription, demonstration cars, short-term and long-term rentals.

Today’s automotive trade presents many new challenges. It is no longer just about selling cars and renting out replacement vehicles, but new models such as car subscriptions are now also part of the business. To be able to see these challenges as opportunities, you need optimal management – you need Mobility Manager! Take your dealership to the next level with remoso automotive retailer software. Do you want a complete overview of all branches and vehicles? Automation of invoices and contracts? And above all, do you want to save time and money? remoso offers all this exactly according to your wishes! With remoso, you can flexibly book only the modules that your rental software really needs.

Become a car subscription provider

A car subscription is a modern way of using a vehicle on a long-term rental basis. It differs from one-off rentals, car purchases and leasing. The term is often much shorter than with leasing contracts and the whole thing is much more flexible. The model is a key building block for the future of car dealerships, as its popularity is growing rapidly and continuously. So if your company wants to be fit for the future, it should include car subscription in its offering as early as possible. And for this you need one thing above all: car subscription software. After all, such a flexible model means a lot of administrative work: vehicle management, contracts, invoices. remoso bundles all the functions relevant to you in just one software package and gives you full control.

Car subscription and more…

Mobility Manager offers all the necessary functions for the individual sub-areas such as replacement car rental or car subscription, workshop replacement and also car sharing with simultaneous integration into a large overall organization. Overview of vehicle location and maintenance, administration processes – remoso rental software can map and automate all of this. This simplifies your administration considerably and makes it many times cheaper. With remoso software, you can prepare your dealership for the future and even integrate new business models such as car sharing, equipment rental, etc.

remoso is the ideal mobility software for the car trade

  • Experience and innovation: remoso software is characterized by the ideal mix. We have been working alongside car dealers for over thirty years and therefore understand your needs. But we don’t stand still either and are constantly adapting our products to the latest challenges in the industry. This is why we are regularly recognized as a top German innovator.
  • Big savings: Anyone who books car trade software naturally wants to save time and money. remoso not only guarantees you this, we even offer you up to 30 percent savings in administrative costs.
  • remoso makes creating value from vehicle use child’s play

All modules in the fleet management software can be booked individually!

With remoso, you always purchase either an Advanced or an Enterprise version, but you are also completely free to decide which other modules you would like to add. This turns rental software for car dealerships into customized software for your dealership – and you pay for exactly what you really need – cloud-based, of course.


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