The mobility software for rental, subscription & sharing

Mobility Manager

Your complete vehicle management at a glance, administration and organization in one place, all processes in just a few clicks – every mobility provider wants to save time and money. Our comprehensive backend client makes this wish a reality in an uncomplicated way. Our client can be easily connected to your CMS and bundles your entire daily work routine in one software. Easy to use, fully automated and efficient: complete all vehicle rental processes faster than ever before! Our features:

Functions of our Mobility Manager:

For example, our backend client can be easily connected to common financial accounting systems, financial service providers, etc. via an interface. All personal master data and invoice-relevant posting records are transferred.

CO2 reporting:
With our Connected-Car connection, we enable companies to present a holistic CO2 view of their vehicle fleet simply and centrally. In this way, we ensure that our customers fulfil the EU requirements for corporate mobility emissions - the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSDR).
Individual CO2 emission reporting for each vehicle, vehicle group or vehicle fleet provides information and proof of specific CO2 emissions!

Connected Car:
A Connected Car connection offers the option of accessing your vehicle/fleet data without installing a separate telematics system. Vehicles can be activated and deactivated via VIN from the Mobility Manager.
Our AI-based connected car management system offers highly efficient mobility management, featuring numerous functions that simplify your fleet management and overview, all while ensuring GDPR compliance.

Price lists
In the backend client, you can define individual price lists and thus automatically set the prices for private or business customers as well as promotional rates.

You can define a variety of parameters in the backend client that no longer need to be entered manually for each booking. Things like advance booking periods, e-mobility or opening hours can be defined in advance.

The entire invoicing process is quick and easy: With the backend client, you can complete all the steps in just a few clicks.

Keyless go / key cabinet
With a telematics box in your car, you benefit from keyless functionalities, e.g. opening and closing the vehicle. This means that your customers can rent a car keylessly at any time, even outside opening hours and therefore 24/7. Alternatively, we also offer an interface to deister electronic GmbH, which allows their key cabinets to be integrated into the system. Here too, you are independent in terms of time if you wish. The big advantage is that you have an overview of bookings that have been made keylessly via the app.

Cleaning and service trips
Anyone who manages a vehicle fleet knows that keeping track of necessary repairs, maintenance or cleaning of vehicles is a considerable logistical effort. Our remoso Mobility Manager backend client allows you to maintain an overview. You can see when which measures are necessary and which vehicle is currently undergoing cleaning or maintenance.

Master data
Whether user master data, vehicle master data or master data of your employees – with the remoso backend client, everything is at your fingertips. For customers this means: Once the basic data has been saved, it no longer needs to be manually re-entered for subsequent bookings.

Fuel cards / Toll Manager
The allocation of fuel cards to employees is easy and clearly structured in the client thanks to PIN management. Fuel receipts can also be imported. Are trips abroad planned for your vehicles? The toll paid can then be organized via the Toll Manager.

Control lists / statistics
What is the current occupancy rate at your parking spaces or stations? How many vehicles are currently available where? What are your rental statistics? Manage your fleet with just one software!

Damage process
Damage to a vehicle usually involves a lengthy and cumbersome process – not with the remoso backend client! With the accident handling function, you can resolve the matter in just a few steps.

Fine management / police correspondence
Manage fines on your vehicles with just one tool, including invoicing the customer, calculating a processing fee and recognizing potential high-risk drivers.

Role / rights management
Who is authorized to use which functions of the software within your company? You can clearly regulate this by assigning roles. This protects the system from unauthorized access and ensures data security.

Introduction to Mobility Manager

Vehicle handover App

With the vehicle handover app for tablets, you can complete both the handover and return together with your customers directly at the vehicle. As this process should be carried out in a time-saving and effective manner, the app offers all relevant work steps and data in just a few clicks – it couldn’t be quicker or easier! See the functions for yourself:

Functions of our vehicle handover app:

Digital check-in and check-out
Mountains of paper are a thing of the past: with the vehicle handover app from remoso, you can check out your vehicle digitally when you hand it over and check it in digitally when you take it back. All data is entered directly into your system, saving time and resources. The customer then receives the handover protocol and rental agreement automatically by e-mail.

Damage recording
Known damage is stored in the system, so you have a direct overview of everything, especially when taking the vehicle back. This makes it easy to distinguish previous damage from new damage and to detect new damaged areas.

Overview of accessories
Accessories are often rented in addition to the vehicle itself. But how do you quickly find out if something is missing? You can integrate images into the vehicle handover app and create a customized checklist. This allows you to keep track of every vehicle and automatically invoice for missing accessories.

Is there a change to the rental agreement? Are more drivers being added than originally registered? In the vehicle handover app, you can also react flexibly to changes during the rental period.

Vehicle blocking
A vehicle can temporarily no longer be rented out after it has been returned? In the vehicle handover app, you will find options to mark the vehicle as unavailable and block it for further rentals.

Booking app / ShareMotion

Efficient, time-saving and simple: with our booking app, your customers or employees have your mobility offer at their fingertips at all times. You can also make spontaneous vehicle bookings from anywhere in just a few steps. You allow your users unparalleled flexibility, as the vehicles can be opened and closed keylessly. This means you can rent out vehicles 24/7 completely digitally. There is a wide range of functions “to go” – make customers or employees mobile anytime and anywhere! And the best thing is, the app is your app, because it has your logo and branding.

Functions of our booking app:

Ad hoc reservation
A customer or employee wants to book a vehicle spontaneously and doesn’t have time to pick up keys or similar? In most cases, a potential reservation would have failed at this point – but not with the booking app! The app alone can be used to open a vehicle at the start of a reservation. Later, your users can lock it temporarily when parking and permanently at the end of the reservation, via app and without a key. No magic, but a new level of vehicle booking!

Reservation overview and booking history
With the booking app, your users can keep track of both their current reservation and past bookings at a glance.

Damage report with photo
Damage to the vehicle during the booking? Until now, this has been a tedious and time-consuming process for customers and employees as well as for you. The booking app makes everything very simple: The user can report the damage directly via the app and attach photos. This gives you all the relevant data quickly and easily at a glance.

Condition query before and after reservation start
What is the condition of the car about to be reserved? Customers and employees naturally ask themselves this question – and with a spontaneous booking via app, there’s no time to check, right? Not with our booking app! Live vehicle data can be viewed directly on the cell phone. This is still possible even after the booking has been completed.

International / European driving license validation
No vehicle can be booked without a validated driving license. This important step can of course also be completed directly in our booking app. This also works for European or international driving licenses. Customers or employees validate conveniently on their cell phone and you quickly receive the required data.

Booking portal / booking API

With our booking portal, you can make your mobility offer available to customers and employees on the web. You have two options:

  1. A booking page created by us
  2. You integrate our API into your own website

Both options offer all the functions and data that users need. Users can create their own account and reserve vehicles there as well as receive an overview of all details and bookings. Make booking as easy, quick and convenient as possible for your customers and employees – with our booking portal! These functions are included:

Functions of our booking portal:

When registering on the booking portal, users can enter relevant information which is then tagged to them. Whether it’s validating the driver’s license or selecting the preferred payment method (credit card or SEPA direct debit) – the information required for bookings only needs to be defined once and then never again. You learn what you need to know and the user saves time.

Booking history
In the booking portal, every user can view their individual booking history and thus always have an overview of past bookings.

The vehicle reservation contains everything users need in just a few clicks: available vehicles, contract types, parking spaces, stations, date/time, distance controllers, alternative periods and prices. Thanks to the ease of use and clarity of the booking portal, customers and employees can reserve their vehicle in just a few minutes, saving time at the point where it previously took the longest.

Static pages
Despite all the individuality, there are factors that remain constant for each mobility offer. So that you can provide information for all users, you can also integrate static pages into our booking portal according to your needs. General information about vehicles, parking spaces, stations, time periods or prices can be provided here.


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