Release 24/3

Release 24/3

The following updates are included in Release 24/3:

  1. Rental Contract Management - Deleting an Offer: If the process is in the 'Offer' status, the option 'Delete Offer' is now available.

  2. Disposition - Calendar Display: In the day and week view, the weekday is now displayed alongside the date. In the month view and beyond, the time "00:00" has been removed and replaced with the date and weekday.

  3. Availability Forecast: There is a new 'Compact View' switch in the availability display. This allows the number of displayed days to be more than doubled. The compact view can be reverted at any time using the switch.

  4. Rental Contract Management Available Actions: Previously, most actions for a rental contract were only visible after saving and reopening the contract. Now, all actions are visible immediately upon creation.

  5. Display of Messages: In the future, a message/error message will be positioned so that it is displayed below the action menu.

  6. Person Module: As in the business partner master, it is now possible to upload and store driver's license and ID data via scan.

  7. Vehicle Master:
    • In the 'Inflow/Outflow' tab, there is a new selection field "Reason for Outflow."
    • In the 'Depreciation/Leasing' tab, four new information fields have been added to the Leasing column:
      • Cost of Excess Mileage
      • Reimbursement for Reduced Mileage
      • Excess Mileage Tolerance
      • Reduced Mileage Tolerance
    • Vehicle Costs Tab: In the 'Cost Log' section, as well as in the 'Vehicle Cost Log' module, a total is now displayed at the end of the table. This total adjusts according to the input filter.

  8. Rental Contract Search: Performance optimization for contract searches by additional data, invoice numbers, or services.

  9. Uploads: The upload size limits have been increased.

  10. UVV Inspection Check with LapID: A new module that performs the recurring UVV inspection via an interface with LapID.

  11. Price Calculation: Disable Best Rate: The "Best Rate" function in the price calculation of a rental can now be deactivated.

  12. New 'Fleet Monitor' Module: All vehicles that output a geo-position via telematics are displayed in a map view. Detailed information about the vehicle is shown:
    • Vehicle Status
    • Vehicle Type
    • Vehicle Group
    • Manufacturer and Type
    • Current Mileage
    • Maximum Performance
    • Fuel Level -> from Telematics
    • Range -> from Telematics
    • Geo-position -> from Telematics
    • Last Geo-position Transmission Time
    • Battery Charge Level
    • Warning Lights (only active)
    • Maintenance
  13. New Field in Invoice Module: In the invoice form, there is a new field 'Issuer' at the end of the 'Additional Information' column.

  14. Telematics Box Profile Module: The profiles have been expanded to include the dimension of business area.

  15. Rental Contract Accident Report: From now on, if an accident report is created from a rental contract, the damage can be settled directly in the accident report.
  16. Extensions in the Booking API: Selection of SCDW packages is now possible. The options for configuring different sender addresses for sending emails have been expanded.

  17. Availability Forecast - Display Optimization: Instead of the vehicle group description, the vehicle group code is now displayed per line.

  18. Extension in Fuel Calculation: There is now an additional calculation method for fuel, which can be defined in the rental contract type. Furthermore, a minimum fuel level can now be specified in the fuel price list, which is considered when determining the fuel level.

  19. Long-term Rental: Initial Billing: It can now be configured whether the initial invoice should be printed directly or after a prior check.

  20. Additional Letter from the Rental Contract: You now have the option to generate, print, and/or send an additional letter related to the process directly from the rental contract via email to the customer.

  21. New 'Logbook' Module: The driven routes are listed in a table and displayed in a map view. The following information is recorded for each route:
    • License Plate
    • Start Time
    • End Time
    • Route Number
    • CO2 Emissions
    • Mileage Start and End
    • Kilometers Driven
    • Fuel Levels
    • Fuel Consumption
    • Geo-position at Start and End

  22. Extensions to the DATEV Interface: The cost center from the vehicle master is now also passed on to DATEV FIBU.
  23. New Quartz Job – Reservation Cancellation: Unconfirmed reservations can be automatically canceled via a new Quartz job (service).

  24. Rental Contract: Calculation of an Additional Processing Fee: A processing fee can be configured for additional services such as winter tires, cleaning fees, fuel, etc.

  25. Extension of the Email Dialog Window: Through the roles & permissions management, it can be configured whether the user is allowed to adjust the email recipients in the email dialog if necessary.

  26. Sorting of Vehicle Groups in the ShareMotion App: The order of the available vehicle groups can be determined by sorting the vehicle group classification.

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