Release 24/2

Release 24/2

The following updates are included in Release 24/2:

  1. Business Partner Master: The target group is now automatically preselected depending on the context in which the business partner is created. If a customer is created from within a rental contract, they are already preselected as 'Customer'. The new feature is: If a customer is created from a police letter/fine, the target group is automatically set to 'Authority Witness Fee'. Similarly, when creating a supplier, agent, or insurance from the vehicle master, the respective target group is automatically assigned.

  2. Roles & Permissions: There are two new rules in the rental contract area. Rule 1: CI date/time can be edited after printing the CI protocol. Rule 2: CO date/time can be edited after printing the CO protocol. The user must have the necessary permission. This applies to editing the rental contract in the Mobility Manager as well as in the Handover App.

  3. Rental Contract: Activating a service with the business rule "CDW" or "S-CDW" is no longer allowed via FOC or API if a service with the same business rule and the same basis of calculation is already active in the contract. In this case, the system will display an error message, and the contract cannot be saved.

  4. Popup Windows: For popup windows that appear during certain actions, such as 'Send Notification', the following adjustments have been made: a. In addition to the 'Close' button in the top right, you can now move the overlay window using the left mouse button. b. The resolution of the background image has been increased, so the information is easily readable.

  5. New Report in the 'Custom Reports' Module: Exceeding Max KM < 1000: The report 'Exceeding Max KM < 1000' lists all vehicles where the difference between the current mileage and the maximum mileage from the 'Maximum Performance' field in the vehicle master is less than 1000 KM. The value of 1000 can be adjusted via the SQL editor. The report includes the following columns:
    • License Plate
    • Manufacturer
    • Manufacturer Type
    • Vehicle Group
    • Name of Debtor (if an active process exists)
    • Contract/Movement Number (if an active process exists)
    • Current Mileage
    • Maximum Performance from Vehicle Master

  6. Batch/Partial Invoice Run: Invoice runs can now only be deleted if the print status is 'Not Started' and the invoices have no invoice number. If a run is deleted with the status 'Not Started', the invoices generated in that run are also deleted. If an invoice generated from a proposal is deleted in the run's detail overview, it is also deleted in the invoice overview.

  7. Pagination Adjusted for Large Grids: When large amounts of data are loaded into a grid, it can cause performance issues in the application. Therefore, the number of loaded rows has been initially limited to 100, or pagination has been applied to all tables.

  8. New Reports: The new reports generated based on telematics data: a. CO2 Consumption with Live Data:
    For vehicles equipped with telematics from High Mobility, you receive both the vehicle's mileage, the ignition status, and the fuel level in liters. Using this data, the CO2 emissions for each trip are calculated and recorded.
    When the ignition is ON: last mileage and fuel volume are recorded.
    When the ignition is OFF: last mileage and fuel volume are recorded.
    The consumption in liters and the kilometers traveled are calculated from the difference.
    The emission of a gasoline-powered vehicle is 2,370 grams/liter, and that of a diesel vehicle is 2,650 grams/liter.
    This data is used to generate this report, which includes the following columns (one row per trip):
    • License Plate
    • Start
    • End
    • Average CO2 Emission (according to vehicle master)
    • Actual Average CO2 Emission (Trip emissions / kilometers traveled)
    • CO2 Emission
    • Kilometers Traveled

      b. CO2 Consumption with Live Data: A new report titled 'CO2 Emission of Live Data' is now available under Standard Reports - Fleet Information. It is a bar chart that provides an overview of the live CO2 value. Using multiple data series, you can customize the view of the chart.
      The average CO2 emission per kilometer for the vehicle is displayed in the 'High Mobility' tab under 'Real-time Data'.
  9. Batch/Partial Invoice: A new "Status" column has been added. This allows you to immediately see whether a proposal has only been created (Status "Not Billed") or whether the billing has already been completed (Status "Billed"). If a run is currently being billed, it will have the status "Currently Being Billed".
    Additionally, a new filter field 'Search Business Partner/Contract/Invoice Number' has been added to the Batch/Partial Invoice. You can filter by:
    • Entering a customer/business partner number: All runs with invoices for this customer are selected.
    • Entering a contract number: All runs with invoices for a specific contract are selected.
    • Entering an invoice number: The run containing the invoice with that number is selected.
  10. New 'Request' Module in Rental Contract Management: This module allows you to quickly obtain a price quote. In the rental contract overview, there is now also the option to create a 'Request'.

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