Release 24/1

Release 24/1

The following updates are included in Release 24/1:

  1. Rental Contract Management: Printing Deposit or Down Payment Receipt Before printing the rental contract, the deposit or down payment invoice must be printed first. This generates an outgoing invoice where the deposit or down payment is listed as an invoice item. The process for handling necessary cancellations has been taken into account.

  2. Payment Portal: In addition to Tele Cash, the provider 'Stripe' has been integrated. All functions that were already available with Tele Cash are now also available for Stripe.

  3. Rental Contract: Management of Services. It is now possible to enter a negative unit price.

  4. Telematics: Additional display of maintenance information in the 'Higher Mobility Telematics' window in the vehicle master: the date of the next inspection and the time threshold for this service.

  5. Client Copy Function: With this release, it is now possible to copy your production environment into a test environment. This allows you to conduct internal employee training, map and test new processes, etc., on a test system.

  6. Number Ranges: The number range of the type 'Invoice No.' has been deactivated as it is now obsolete.

  7. Credit Card Terminal: In the "Primary Data" tab, you can specify the station(s) that are enabled for each credit card terminal. It is also possible to filter by station code and description in this table. Additionally, the PSP ID can now be specified and filtered by.

  8. Financial Accounting Processing: In the Journal Data Export to Financial Accounting module, there is a new action 'Reset Processing.' This allows you to reset unsynchronized bookings.

  9. Send Notification Function: When using a template with variables in the subject line for the "Send Notification" function, the existing variables are now directly resolved in the preview, displaying the correct values.

  10. Document Module: Emails can now also be attached to documents as an attachment of type "msg."

  11. Print Templates:
  • The management of print templates has been expanded/optimized:
    A status field is now available for template entries, which is also displayed in the overview.

  • Display of Object Information:
    In the "Object Information" function, the date/time of creation and the last change can now be viewed.

  • In the print template overview, there is now a new column "Print Configurations" available. This column displays for each entry the print configurations where the current template is assigned, allowing templates without assigned print configurations to be quickly and easily identified.

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