Release 23/5

Release 23/5

The following updates are included in Release 23/5:

  • Number Ranges: There are two new invoice number ranges for penalty fee invoices: one for credit notes and one for invoices related to penalty fee notifications. If a penalty fee invoice or credit note is created and one of these number ranges is active, the invoice number will be generated from this range. If no specific number range for penalty fee notifications is set up, the invoice numbers will be generated from the general RG number range.
  • Vouchers: In addition to Schema1, where voucher numbers are assigned by the system for each voucher, Schema2 is now available. A window opens through the action "Generate Vouchers," where a fixed value can be entered. All vouchers will then be created with this value.

  • Vouchers: New Feature: Redeem Voucher via Customer: You can assign a voucher to a customer using the "Redeem Voucher" action in the customer master. In the pop-up, the voucher number, reason, and optionally a description are entered. By clicking the "Redeem" button, the voucher is assigned to the customer. The customer receives an email informing them about the voucher's activation. The system recognizes in the CI that vouchers with the status "redeemed" or "partially credited" exist for the customer. If the voucher's attributes (contract type, price list, etc.) match the contract, the voucher is automatically applied to the rental agreement. More details can be found in the extended documentation.

  • DATEV: Incoming invoices created in the Mobility Manager through the "Invoicing" module can now be posted via the DATEV interface. It is now also possible to transfer the invoice PDF to DATEV. When printing an invoice/credit note in PDF format, a Document ID is assigned. This ID is also included in the booking record for the invoice, which is transferred to DATEV. A separate Quartz job transfers the PDF to DATEV along with the Document ID, linking it to the booking record and the corresponding PDF in DATEV. More details can be found in the extended documentation "Invoicing" and "Accounting Transfer."

  • Vehicle Handover App: It is now possible to activate a user in our Vehicle Handover App. No menu role is required for the user anymore; only the authorization role is still necessary. This can now be managed in the employee master.

  • Penalty Fees: The module has been updated so that you can now directly find the process that triggered the offense via this module. More details can be found in the extended documentation "Penalty Fees."

  • UVV and Driver’s License Check with LapID: There is a new module that can perform recurring driver's license validation and UVV (accident prevention regulations) checks via a new interface to LapID. You add the driver as a business partner. Through information like driver's license data and the driver's email, they are registered with LapID and prompted at regular intervals to present their driver's license and/or complete driver training as part of the accident prevention regulations. The driver receives an SMS at a customizable cycle. More information can be found in the extended documentation "Driver’s License Check + UVV."

  • Vehicle Master/Properties: When creating a property in the vehicle master, the "WWW Visible" flag is now automatically set to "inherited," so it no longer needs to be manually set to save the properties.

  • Rental Agreement: In the rental agreement search mask, there are now two new columns that list the first driver's first and last name of the rental agreement. This makes it easier to search for a rental by the driver's name in company rentals.

  • Price List: In the "Prices" tab, the "Status" column is now placed first and pre-filled with "active." Initially, only the "active" rates are visible. The filter field can be adjusted at any time.

  • Price List: In the "Prices" tab, under "Assigned Items," only active services are now listed in the "Assigned Positions" grid.

  • Damage Matrix: You can now define per matrix whether a damage picture must be created for damages recorded via this matrix.

  • Vehicle Master: In the "Movement History" tab, canceled movements and contracts are now also displayed.

  • Document Name: In the document management, the name of the invoice document has been adjusted. Previously it was called "Invoice-MV #"; now it is "Invoice_InvoiceNumber_InvoiceDate."

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